A gritty revenge tale of a tormented father who witnesses his young son die when caught in a gang’s crossfire on Christmas Eve. While recovering from a wound that costs him his voice, he makes vengeance his life’s mission and embarks on a punishing training regimen in order to avenge his son’s death.
Silent Night (2023)
Rating: R (Strong Bloody Violence|Some Language|Drug Use)
Genre: Holiday, Action, Mystery & thriller
Original Language: English
Director: John Woo
Producer: Basil Iwanyk, Erica Lee, Christian Mercuri, Lori Tilkin, John Woo
Writer: Robert Archer Lynn
Release Date (Theaters): Dec 1, 2023 Wide
Box Office (Gross USA): $7.3M
Runtime: 1h 43m
Distributor: Lionsgate
Production Co: Capstone Studios, A Better Tomorrow Films, Thunder Road Films