British doctor jailed for secretly filming women having sex and bathing with tiny camera hidden in electric toothbrush has been deregistered


A porn-addicted doctor who was jailed for secretly filming women having sex and showering has been removed from the medical register with a tiny camera hidden in his toothbrush.

According to Mail Online, Vinesh Godhania, from Norwich, visited pornographic and other sexually explicit sites more than 19,400 times in the 11 months between January 2020 and November 2020.

Evidence also found that he hacked into victims' iCloud-based accounts to steal private and pornographic images for trading and posting online.

Victims included a patient filmed at Basildon Hospital and 17 others who used bathrooms and toilets in their apartment, while Dr Godhania also stole data from the iCloud accounts of more than 100 people, including 23 colleagues.

He "bought technical equipment" and used a small camera hidden in an electric toothbrush in the bathroom to film roommates and visitors at his Essex home. 

The crimes continued throughout his medical career from 2012 to 2020, when he was a medical student.

Dr. Godhania was arrested in November 2020 after cybercrime officials found he paid to use a data breach search engine. He admitted that in August last year, West and Mid Hertfordshire Magistrates' Court recorded seven cases of individuals engaging in private acts, and eight cases causing computers to perform functions to ensure unauthorized access/permission.

He was subsequently sentenced to two years and eight months' imprisonment, a Sexual Harm Prevention Order in November 2021, and was placed on the Sex Offenders Roll at St Albans Crown Court in November 2021 for a term 10 years.

The doctor has also now been removed from the medical register following a June 23 hearing at the Practitioner's Court Service.

A group heard about Dr. Godhania graduated in 2012 and worked in various hospitals before leaving the industry in 2018 to work in his parents' tobacco shop.

During his eight years as a doctor, he photographed women's sex, showers and bathrooms using "a combination of cameras secretly placed in the bathrooms and toilets of the house he lived in".

The court heard the victims included a member of the public filmed at the hospital, professional colleagues and 17 people identified as belonging to Dr. Godhania.

The victim impact statement included in the panel's report reads: "When you go to the hospital, you are very vulnerable, you obviously trust the professionals you are dealing with, and you certainly would not have expected such a breach.

"I'm not comfortable and unfortunately this event will change the way I think about people who are in a position of trust and will stay with me for a long time.

I believe I will be more careful and anxious when dealing with people in the future, especially when sharing information with others.

The court heard the abuse by Dr. Godhania "lasted for at least eight years and became progressively worse with time".

In a letter to his sentencing judge, the doctor said his "compulsory viewing of pornography began more than 20 years ago".

He also told the parole board he knew he had struggled since he was 16 and described the problems as "addiction" but made no attempt to seek help.

In passing the verdict, panel chair Melissa Coutino said Dr Goldhania had "abused his position of trust" and that his actions "were premeditated, deliberate, subtle, and for many years."


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