Russian politicians are now demanding an 'immediate withdrawal' from Ukraine as 1115 soldiers are fired for refusing to take part in the invasion



Russian Politicians demand 'immediate withdrawal' from Ukraine as 100 servicemen are fired for refusing to take part in the invasion

Russian politicians are now demanding an 'immediate withdrawal' from Ukraine as 1115 soldiers are fired for refusing to take part in the invasion


Communist deputy Leonid Vasyukevich, 69, a veteran Russian legislator recently issued an appeal to Vladimir Putin to stop military action, bring his troops home, and end the war in Ukraine.

He condemned the use of Moscow’s servicemen in Ukraine, as a Russian court dismissed more than 115 national guardsmen in the first case of soldiers refusing to fight in Ukraine as politicians demanded the army return home.


Members of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, a separate military branch from the Russian army refused to carry out an assignment related to Moscow's 'special operation' in Ukraine.

A military court in Russia's southern republic of Kabardino-Balkaria found that the defendants 'arbitrarily refused to perform an official assignment' and turned down their appeal.


The hearing was held behind closed doors to avoid revealing 'military secrets,' according to the Moscow Times.


The veteran local MP told legislators in the Primorsky region that he and his fellow lawmakers were making an appeal to the Russian presiden.

Putin’s supporters have branded him a 'traitor' and he may now face legal action for dishonouring the Russian army.


'We are backing measures to support families of servicemen killed during the special military operation,' he told the regional legislator in Vladivostok, Russia’s Pacific capital.


'We understand that unless our country stops the special military operation, there will be even more orphans.


'Young men die and are maimed during the operation, even though they could have benefited our country

Three months have passed since the start of the war 'and it is clearly impossible to reach success by a military way', he said, amid interruptions from the assembly.


If Putin continues his war, it 'will inevitably lead to an increase in the numbers of killed and wounded servicemen.


'We demand the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine…'


Throughout his brave speech - the loyalist chairman of the parliament Alexander Rolik tried to halt his outburst.


'I am warning you…You are abusing the agenda', he was told. 'You are violating the order to speak without permission.'


Governor Oleg Kozhemyako accused him and his supporters of defaming the Russian army, and demanded he should be removed from the assembly.


'These actions discredit the Russian army and our defenders who stand in the fight against Nazism. A traitor,' stormed the angry governor.

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